The Guidance Officer (GO) leads the wellbeing team and provides expertise in mental health and social emotional learning (SEL). The main goal of the GO is to increase access to the curriculum for young people who face various psychological and cognitive challenges, as well as engage in a proactive approach to improve student wellbeing. GOs liaise with external professional agencies to provide wraparound support for students in need.
Guidance Officers are experienced teachers who have completed postgraduate qualifications in guidance and counselling. Each school has at least one Guidance Officer who works as part of the administration team within the school.
Areas of operation
Predominant areas of operation are:
- Complex case management
- Verification of students with special needs
- Trauma informed education
- Mental health first-aid
- Behavioural counselling
- SEL curriculum oversight
- Career counselling and advice
- Career pathways
- Staff capacity building
Accessing services
Students facing challenges can contact the Student Services team for support. Secondary students can self-refer and primary students require a signed consent form to access Guidance Services.
Parents/carers can contact the Student Services team should they have concerns regarding their children’s wellbeing. Appointments can be made by phoning the front office or via email at The Guidance Officer is at the College on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
School Based Youth Health Nurse - Shari Pinfield 
The School Based Youth Health Nurse (SBYHN) Program is funded by QLD Health for High School students, their families and carers.
More specifically, SBYHNs provide the opportunity for young people, their parents/carers and members of the school community to access a health professional for matters relating to the health and wellbeing of young people and support school communities to adopt a whole-of-school Health Promoting Schools approach to address contemporary health and social issues facing young people and their families in order to help young people make a safe and healthy transition into adulthood.
The SBYHN is available for confidential consults with students aged 12 and over, their families and carers, as well as staff and will refer to specialist support agencies if necessary, or provide health information or advice.
The SBYHN can provide health and wellbeing information about:
- healthy eating and physical activity
- mental health
- personal or family problems
- healthy skin
- sexual health
- smoking, alcohol and other drugs
- growth and development
- relationships
The services not provided by the SBYHN:
- medical treatments or first aid
- physical examinations
- ongoing counselling for psychological problems
Students, parents, carers and staff can self-refer by dropping in, emailing or phoning.
Alternatively, you can refer if you are concerned about someone else.
Contact details
Shari Pinfield - School Based Youth Health Nurse
Mobile: 0427 009 887
Wednesday's and alternate Thursdays