


​​​​Our aim

The P&C is committed to assisting the college to meet the needs, expectations and challenges of the college community and to ensuring that our children benefit from the college’s unique rich natural and cultural heritage.


We encourage all members of the KDSC community to join the P&C.  A strong active P&C is able to more effectively support our students’ education experiences and helps to build closer links between the college and the local community. Membership is free.

Keep informed

P&C meetings are usually held on Mondays at 4:30pm of weeks 2 and 8 in the Senior school common room. Minutes from P&C meetings can be requested from the secretary at the P&C email address. 

Ensure you are kept up-to-date by following the P&C Facebook page or by emailing the P&C at the address below to join the mailing list.


The P&C manages the ordering and sale of uniforms through the uniform shop on the junior campus. P&C volunteers open the shop once per week on Friday mornings from 8:30am until 9am. Outside these hours, order forms can be completed and left at either college office. Orders will be completed on Friday mornings and left at the office for collection. There is not currently any EFTPOS facilities and payment can be made by cash, direct deposit or Centrepay deduction.

School Lockers

If your child/children are in Yr 7 - Yr12, we are now offering lockers for rental. Please see the link below for the locker agreement which outlines the rules and expectations for the students, as well as the cost ($50 rental fee). All money raised will be used by the P&C for different school initiatives as usual. A locker is not compulsory, but we have found that the higher the year level, the more books and textbooks they carry around throughout the day, and having a place to offload them is a good thing! 

Please contact us if you have any questions. We will also have hard copies of these forms at the Uniform Shop and the TuckShop. And please remember, these are a P&C initiative, so the office will NOT be receiving payments for these, please contact us direct

Other activities

P&C is also involved in other activities:

  • Fundraising for additional equipment and resources.
  • Seeking external grants for major projects.
  • Supporting social and community events.
  • Discussing and endorsing school policies.
  • Strengthening links between college and the community.

Contacting the P&C

The P&C Committee is elected at the annual general meeting in March each year. P&C committee members can be contacted by email at​​​​.


P&Cs Qld is the peak body supporting and representing more than 576,000 state school parents and wider school communities throughout Queensland. We support the achievement of quality educational outcomes for students through fostering parental and community engagement in a thriving and successful education system. Through our state-wide network of over 1200 P&C Associations and School Councils, we have the localised presence and voice to lead and enact change.

Our Parent Talk magazine is a parent focused publication and published on a quarterly basis. It is circulated throughout Queensland state schools and P&Cs as a resource to provide parents and school communities with regular news and information on a wide range of topics relevant to parenting and education. Research confirms that where parents and community are engaged in their children’s education the outcomes vastly increase. Help us ensure Every Child has Every Chance to a successful education.  All editions of Parent Talk can be viewed here - Parent Talk – The Info Place (

Last reviewed 09 November 2022
Last updated 09 November 2022